The Ermanno Piano Scholarship


The ERMANNO PIANO SCHOLARSHIP was created in 1992 by Renzo Piano, in memory of his late elder brother, Ermanno, who was a builder.

The ERMANNO PIANO SCHOLARSHIP has been created for newly graduated architects offering them the opportunity to improve their education through a six-month internship within the Renzo Piano Building Workshop in Paris, France.

The amount of the grant is € 10,000.

The internship will start in February 2005 and end in July 2005. The selection is open to architects graduated in 2003/04. Reception of candidatures will start in February. Applicants must submit their qualifications by post mail no later than June 30th 2004 to the following address:

The Workshop Foundation Ref. The Ermanno Piano Scholarship c/o RPBW 34 rue des Archives 75004 Paris, France

Items to submit:

  • 1. A curriculum vitae of no more than two sides of A4 with detailed educational qualifications;
  • 2. Up to 10 A4 sheets of images and text of previous work. This may take the form of a range of work or a relevant project in more detail.

Text must be written in English, French or Italian.

All the above material should be bound into one document which will not be returned.

No other supplementary material will be accepted (CD-roms, portfolios, etc.) Selection will be made by September 15th 2004.

The announcement of the chosen candidate will be posted on our web site at


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