National AIDS Memorial

Design Competition

The National AIDS Memorial Grove is a seven-acre dell in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California, a living tribute to all whose lives have been touched by AIDS. It is the only federally-designated AIDS Memorial in the United States.

The Grove is a place where people gather to heal, hope, and remember. The goal of this competition is to identify an outstanding artistic complement to the Grove's award-winning landscape, an icon that will deepen, both visually and spiritually, the visitor's experience of this remarkable environment.

The winning design will be inherently egalitarian, expressing the cross-cultural and global impact of the AIDS pandemic, while honoring those who have died and those who have shared their struggle.

This is a one-stage, open competition intended to solicit ideas for the design of a new memorial feature within the National AIDS Memorial Grove. Competitors are challenged to create this feature.

Submission Deadline: January 7, 2005 Open to: All Entry
Fee: See below Awards: US$10,000 Total Jury: Toshiko Mori, Walter Hood, Mary Miss, Joseph Rosa  



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