
International architectural photography competition, professional network of architects invites you to participate in CAPTURE, an International Architectural Photography Competition for architects and non-architects, professional photographers or amateur, whose theme will focus around architectural spaces.

This is an open ideas competition of a non-commercial nature, consisting of a jury, an anonymous process, a single judging phase followed by exhibition and publication of those selected to disseminate their submissions on our website and in other media.

The submitted digital images can be color or black and white format. Contestants may submit up to 3 images per entry (all of them from same author). Each of these images can separately be selected by the jury (Iván López Munuera, Miguel de Guzmán, Pilar Perea).


Winner, € 1,200, exhibition, printed photo, diploma and dissemination in media.
Second price, € 400, exhibition, photograph printed, diploma and dissemination in media.
Third price, € 200, exhibition, printed photo, diploma and dissemination in media.
Mentions, exhibition, printed photo, diploma and dissemination in media.
Finalists, exhibition, printed photo, diploma and dissemination in media.


Competition starts: December 10, 2010
Resolution of inquiries: Answers updated during the course of the competition.
Registration: until February 24, 2011
Submission of images: until March 1, 2011
Evaluation of the jury: From March 3 to April 3, 2011
Publication of winners: April 2011
Awards: April 2011.

Competition Program

+ info:

Le date di scadenza visualizzate sono frutto di attività redazionale. Le uniche date ufficiali sono quelle contenute nel testo del bando e/o sul sito web di chi organizza o promuove il concorso. Controllarne sempre la validità presso l'Ente banditore.

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