European Copper in Architecture Awards 2011

12esima edizione concorso europeo

The Copper in Architecture Awards promote and reward excellence in design by architects. To be eligible, all entries must incorporate cladding, roofing or other architectural elements of copper or copper alloys, such as bronze and brass. Awards will be presented at a ceremony to be held in September 2011.

For recently completed buildings across Europe, incorporating copper or copper alloy cladding, roofing or other architectural elements.

Any scale or type of project can be entered - from major landmark schemes to more modest buildings.
Projects will be judged from graphic submissions by architects and critics, drawn from a panel including some of the most influential designers in Europe.

These Awards are proving particularly important, not only to showcase the best and most innovative uses of copper in contemporary design, but also to discover and present to a wide international audience innovative architecture that might otherwise be missed.

Awards 14 resulted in entries from sixteen countries and international interest continues to grow, mirroring the increasing popularity of copper and its alloys as inspirational, as well as sustainable, architectural materials.

All winning and commended projects will feature in extensive press coverage, including a special supplement in The Architectural Review and coverage on the World Architecture News website. A selection of entries will be displayed at the presentation ceremony.

Completed entry forms, A1 boards and CDs should be sent to Copper in Architecture to arrive no later than 31st May 2011.

Project descriptions of all entries, including winning and shortlisted projects, to Awards 13 and 14 can be viewed at

Information on winning and shortlisted projects from previous European Copper in Architecture Awards can be downloaded from

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