Suburbia Transformed 2.0

concorso internazionale per studenti e professionisti

The James Rose Center is pleased to announce its second international residential design competition/exhibition.

The goal of Suburbia Transformed 2.0 is to promote and celebrate residential designs that go beyond "green" by explicitly using sustainable strategies, tactics and technologies to enrich the aesthetic spatial experience of people. ST 2.0 will assemble contemporary projects achieving this goal into an exhibition and catalogue. The emphasis is on how such sustainable landscapes can be beautiful, inspiring, perhaps profound; and serve as examples for transforming the suburban residential fabric, one garden at a time..

Significantly, this year's version, ST 2.0, invites the submission of visionary (unbuilt) work, along with built projects. Our hope is to trigger an instructive dialog between design that has been built and that which is untethered to the construction process. Such a curatorial stance has the additional benefit of opening up the competition to students, as well as professionals.

Open to all, including landscape architects, landscape designers, architects, individuals, teams or firms…and students of design whose work will be judged in a separate category.

Design Criteria for Judging
Selected submissions must provide landscape experiences that are beautiful, inspiring and/or profound; in so doing they should:

- Make the most of what's already on the site (earth, rocks, plants, structures, water) before importing or removing anything;
- Use local, inexpensive, low-energy-consumptive, non-polluting materials and construction techniques before others;
- Consider the landscape's potential to create useful resources rather than consume them;
- Consider the relationship of the site to larger environmental systems;
- Consider means for guiding future growth and evolution of the garden;

February 17, 2012: Entry Form and fee due
March 9, 2012 CD submission due
March 24, 2012 Jury convenes
May 19, 2012 Opening Reception at James Rose Center
August 31, 2012 Exhibition travels

Winning entries will be published and displayed at the James Rose Center; as well as become part of a travelling exhibition on contemporary residential design.



The James Rose Center, a non-profit landscape research and study foundation, is headquartered in Ridgewood, New Jersey at what was formerly the home of James Rose, built in 1953 for himself and family members. Before he died in 1991, Rose set in motion the establishment of the Center and created a foundation to support the transformation of his Ridgewood residence for this purpose.

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