Links: bridging rivers

SC2012 Spain-China International architecture competition

Future magazines is launching, for second consecutive year, an international ideas competition to identify the best design concepts with the challenge to develop visionary urban proposals with the intention of stimulating contemporary cities, in this case 2 different locations: Chongqing and Seville.

The aim of the competition is to offer opportunities, for all architecture students and young architects around the world that are not always available through other selection methods. Significant architects have launched their careers because their designs were selected as the winning schemes.

Participants taking part in the competition shall be architecture students or architects under 35
years old on the closing date for submission of entries (July 27, 2012).

- First prize: 5.000 Euros or 45.000 Yuans
- Second prize: 2.000 Euros or 18.000 Yuans
- 3 mentions: 1.000 Euros or 9.000 Yuans each one
- 5 finalists: as acknowledgment

A limited number of 3 honourable mentions and 5 finalists will be awarded at the jury's discretion.


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