Plan for Vatnsmýri

concorso di idee

This Call for Ideas is issued by the city of Reykjavík in accordance with a resolution of the City Council. 

The Call for Ideas is a two phase anonymous procedure.  The jury will select 15-25 entrants from the first phase to participate in the second phase, where further development of the proposals is requested.  The same jury will select 6-8 of the second phase entries for recognition and 2-4 of these will be identified as first rank proposals.  When the jury has finished its selection of entries at the end of the second phase, the anonymity of the authors will be broken and the Call for Ideas ends. 

A compensation of EUR 10.000 will be awarded to each entry that is invited to the second phase.  At the end of the second phase, the jury will distribute a total of EUR 200.000 among the 6-8 entries selected.

Following up on this result, the city of Reykjavik will enter into negotiations with the authors of the first rank proposals that leads to one or more of them receiving a contract for the planning of a part of Vatnsmyri.

The first phase submission deadline is 15 June 2007 and the second phase starts on 20 July 2007.  The second phase submission deadline is on 5 October 2007 and final results will be announced in November 2007 and prizes awarded.

For further information visit:

Le date di scadenza visualizzate sono frutto di attività redazionale. Le uniche date ufficiali sono quelle contenute nel testo del bando e/o sul sito web di chi organizza o promuove il concorso. Controllarne sempre la validità presso l'Ente banditore.

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