Transform the Future 3 - Colourful

Design Competition

Colourful, sustainable design for communities
A competition for students and designers sponsored by Dalsouple Rubber Flooring in partnership with Sustain Magazine.

INTRODUCTION: The 2008 competition attracted entries from every corner of the international student design community, with the winners coming from Argentina. For 2009, the competition format will expand to acknowledge the growing importance of sustainability as an element in the design mix.

"Transform the Future" encourages designers and students to go out into the community and spread the word that in design, ‘sustainable’ doesn’t mean ‘boring’. By seeking sustainable solutions to design problems, tomorrow’s designers will make a huge contribution to the environmental performance of the built environment. And as Dalsouple’s massive range of gorgeous colours and textures clearly shows, these days ‘green design’ should be anything but dull.


Category 1: Interior Entrants, who may be students or professionals from relevant disciplines, will need to establish a link with a local community group. That could be a school or college, a youth centre, community hall, or other interior communal space that would benefit from a little tlc. Entrants will work with real ‘clients’ in the form of the people who use the space every day. Together they will identify an interior project and develop a realistic design solution, based on the clients’ needs.

Category 2: Product This new category invites entrants, who may be students or professionals from the product design community to submit concepts for products or actual products that incorporate DalNaturel natural rubber in some way. The whole item may be made of rubber or just a tiny amount may be used within the design. As with the Interiors category, the judges will be looking for product ideas that offer a creative, sustainable solution to a design problem.

Info - Brief

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