FlyNY 09 - Kite Competition

international design competition

The FlyNY Kite Competition is open to the international design community - including architects, artists, engineers, urban designers, product and industrial designers- and the greater NYC community - families, students, citizens.

Designing and building a kite involves an understanding of structure, proportion, craft, and function. Form and function are inextricably intertwined and constructability is paramount. Kites use wind energy to perform, creating the opportunity for a discussion of sustainability in design.

Kite design is didactic - an intuitive and creative exercise that encourages exploration. FlyNY encourages multi-disciplinary teams to participate.

FlyNY is a two-fold kite competition:
Participants are required to construct original kite designs and then fly their kites in Central Park on the day of the event. Judges will tag noteworthy kites and choose finalists during the flying event.

There will be a small awards ceremony the day of the event to distinctive or noteworthy kite designs or kite performances. FlyNY will give out several awards to categories such as smallest kite, longest kite, most unique kite, and to the kite that most actively engages the skyline. In exchange for the prize, kite design winners shall donate their kites to FlyNY for a public exhibition and auction of the winning entries.

ll kites must be original designs, conceived and constructed for FlyNY 2009. Kite designs can incorporate unconventional materials. Recycled, organic, and biodegradable materials are encouraged. Kites can be any shape and size. Kites should be designed with the intent to fly, but a successful flight is not required. Motorized kites are not allowed. Kite designs must not endanger other fliers or spectators. The following list of materials is prohibited: glass string, glass, nails, staples or other sharp objects. Fighter kites will be immediately disqualified.

  • The kite flying event is Saturday, April 18th, 2009, Central Park, New York City
  • Pre-registration commences February 2, 2009 and concludes Friday, March 27, 2009.
  • All participants must complete an Entry Form in order to pre-register.

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