
concorso di idee on line is an online exhibition of and ongoing call for participation to artists, designers, architects or other interested creative individuals or collaborators to propose concepts for the creation of memorials to the many thousands of Iraqi civilians killed in the War in Iraq.

Who is remembered? Who is mourned? Who is responsible? How do we, as artists, choose to respond? invites artists, desingers, architects, musicians, dancers and other creative individuals or groups from all over the world to propose memorials to the victims of a war who will likely never be recognized through official processes. The submitted proposals may never be realized - the intent is to facilitate a process that allows for the expression of concepts as a collective, networked, creative act of remembrance that takes place in the present tense.

Guiding Principles Artists are invited to:
-Represent the spirit of the mission statement and project goals.
-Educate people about civilian deaths in the Iraq conflict.
-Address the lack of recognition of civilian deaths.
-Consider absence - of life, of accurately documented casualty numbers.
-Encourage reflection and a respect for life.
-Address notions of memory, monument and site.

Site It is up to each artist to define the context(s) as to where the proposed memorials would ideally be realized. There are no geographical, architectural, dimensional or spatial restrictions of any kind - as there is no defined location this is completely open to individual interpretation and imagination (physical/virtual, local/global, permanent/temporary). Artists are encouraged to consider the identification of site(s) as fluid yet critical to the proposal process.

Call for Proposals

Le date di scadenza visualizzate sono frutto di attività redazionale. Le uniche date ufficiali sono quelle contenute nel testo del bando e/o sul sito web di chi organizza o promuove il concorso. Controllarne sempre la validità presso l'Ente banditore.

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