d3 Housing Tomorrow 2010

internationale architectural design competition

Exploration of contextual, cultural, and life cycle flows offers a critical lens for visualizing new housing strategies for living in the future.  The d3 Housing Tomorrow competition invites architects, designers, engineers, and students to collectively explore, document, analyze, transform, and deploy innovative approaches to residential urbanism, architecture, interiors, and designed objects.

The competition calls for transformative solutions that advance sustainable thought, building performance, and social interaction through study of intrinsic environmental geometries, social behaviors, urban implications, and programmatic flows.  Special emphasis may be placed on housing concepts that investigate dialogues including engagement of internal/external socio-economic diversity, change/adaptability over time, public/private spatial connectivity, and permanence/impermanence of materials.  d3 challenges participants to rethink strategies for investigating residential design from macro-to-micro scales ranging from urban—promoting broader physical interconnectivity; communal—exploiting an interaction of units with shared facilities; and internal—examining the interior particularity of the unit, individual, or family in housing design toward promoting identity, ownership, and intimacy.

All architects, landscape architects, interior designers, engineers, and students are invited to participate. d3 encourages submissions by interdisciplinary design teams.

More info: www.d3space.org/competitions/

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