young designers, looking into the future 2006

6th International design competition

The Professional Association of Jura Eyewear Manufacturers Le Syndicat professionnel des Lunetiers du Jura is organising between 15/10/2005 and 13/10/2006 inclusively, the international design competition entitled « young designers looking to the future»

«Emotion and Simplicity – Materials, functionalities, forms, inventiveness…Pick up the challenge and create tomorrow’s emotions!»

Two categories of entrants

  • Design students 
  • Young professional designers aged under 35 years

The prizes will be awarded in accordance with the selection of the panel of judges which will reward between two and four projects per category:

  • First prize: 4,000 (four thousand) euros
  • Second prize: 2,300 (two thousand three hundred) euros
  • Third prize: 1,500 (one thousand five hundred) euros
  • Special prize: 500 (five hundred) euros  


Registration and complete rules on


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