p+A news

l'attualità che riguarda l'Architettura in Italia e nel mondo, le notizie serie e le meno serie...

news en • • New York

‘Our Cities, Ourselves’ – Ten Urban Visions at New York’s Center for Architecture

United States > The “Our Cities, Ourselves” exhibition, at New York’s Center for Architecture until 09/11/10, presents ten visions of sustainable cities in Ahmedabad – India, Budapest – Hungary, Buenos Aires – Argentina, Dar es Salaam – Tanzania, Guangzhou – China, Jakarta – Indonesia, Johannesburg – South Africa, Mexico City – Mexico, New York – […]

news en • • Joseph Grima

Between blog and review: Rethinking the Architectural Culture – An interview with Joseph Grima / Domus.

Last June, during Postopolis! days in Mexico City, Arquine had a talk with Joseph Grima, due to leave his role of Storefront for Architecture and Art director (New York), and to become the next director of Domus: conversation focused on changes that have occurred in the way of communicating and discussing about architecture, within the […]

news en

Toledo (Spain): Museum of the Vega Baja, Mansilla + Tuñon

Spain > The firm led by the architects Luis Moreno Mansilla and Emilio Tuñon Alvarez (Mansilla + Tuñon) has won del International Ideas Competition for the Museum of the Vega Baja, to be built in the Castilian city of Toledo [Urbanity.es].Images of the winning design >>>