p+A news

l'attualità che riguarda l'Architettura in Italia e nel mondo, le notizie serie e le meno serie...

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Spain: CaixaForum in Saragossa by Carme Pinòs

Social Work of “la Caixa” selected Carme Pinós architects proposal for CaixaForum Saragossa building. The preliminary design they presented has turned out to be the winner of the restricted competition announced by the organization among six of the most prestigious architecture firms in Spain, to choose the design of the new Social and Cultural Centre […]

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Gehry Partners New Headquarters

Los Angeles > While most of the firms are cutting expenses, Gehry Partners thinks about expanding… [Architectural Record]Images of New Headquarters model >>>

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VLT Offices by KLM Architects (Argentina)

Argentina > VLT Offices in Vicente Lopez – province of Buenos Aires, designed by KLM Architects – Federico Kelly, Paula Lestard, Hernan Maldonado. “Over the existing building, the new extension stands out from a distance. It makes you look up towards the top of neighboring houses, while searching for new distant, never ending horizons. Almost […]

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San Telmo (Buenos Aires): container – atelier by FPS

Buenos Aires > Container in San Telmo, designed by FPS Architects – Francisco Fenili, Jorge Perez, Julio Sepiurka. “… The challenge was to create a very cheap brand new space, intended as a painter’s atelier. That’s why we conceived a metallic volume which could be built in a workshop and assembled on site, giving a […]

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A new bus and a luxury jet by Lord Foster…

Last month of December, Foster + Partners won “A New Bus for London” competition, together with Aston Martin … images > fosterandpartners.com. During these days, the interiors designed by Foster for NetJets company 33 new luxury jets are being presented… video > ICON