A new bike system for Copenhagen

Open design competition

In 1995, Copenhagen was the first city to introduce a modern bike share system - Bycyklen - or The City Bike. Much has happened since this Bike Share v. 1.0 was launched and, over the past ten years, many large cities now enjoy exciting, new bike share systems. From Barcelona to Beijing, a new generation of bike share systems have blossomed. To the delight of locals, tourists and commuters alike.

Copenhagen is a unique, world-class cycling city and this fact should be refl ected in the city's bike share system. Our city is the best example of how the bicycle can become the preferred form of transport in a modern city. An attractive and modern bike share system can contribute to strengthening Copenhagen's bicycle culture. Therefore The City of Copenhagen is pleased to launch an open design competition in order to determine how a bike share system v. 3.0 would look and work in the city in the future.

The possibilities are numerous and only the fantasy sets the limit. It is therefore my hope that this open design competition will result in a interdisciplinary solution and that many people will enter their ideas so that in a few short years we can show off an innovative bike share system here in the City of Cyclists.

Goals of the competition

The winning entry for a new bike share system for Copenhagen must adhere to the City's primary goals for the future development of the city. The goals are that Copenhagen must be a sustainable and dynamic city and a city for everyone.

More specifically, the design competition is the first step towards Copenhagen implementing a new bike share system that is...

- an attractive product for the city's guests
- an indispensible piece of the transport puzzle for train passengers
- a faithful friend in an hour of need for Copenhageners
- easily integrated and implemented in an existing city
- unique, elegant and attractive
- robust

Criterion 1:
The City of Copenhagen expects that the entire bike share system entry expresses a complete and supporting design concept that is visionary and which possesses a strong brand identity.

Criterion 2:
Design and Form. The City of Copenhagen expects that the entries for a new bike share system contain elements that underline the vision of a modern city, with emphasis on eff ective and environmentally-friendly transport forms.

Criterion 3:
Visibility, User-friendliness and Logistics. The new bike share system should be easy to use and easy to access.

Criterion 4:
Interaction with the City. The new bike share system must possess the potential to strengthen the sustainable mobility in Copenhagen and, at the same time, interact with the city's architectural expression. In other words, the new system should compliment both the city and the people who use it.

- First prize is 250,000 DKK [circa €33,000]
- Second prize is 150,000 DKK [circa €20,000]
- Third prize is 100,000 DKK [circa €13,000]

For full information www.cphbikeshare.com

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