Internet for Peace contest

take part: make your video>>

Create and upload an original video about why the Internet is much more than a network of computers. It is an endless web of people. Men and women from every corner of globe are connecting to one another, thanks to biggest social interface ever known to humanity.

Digital culture has laid the foundations for a new kind of society. That's why the Internet is tool for peace. That's why anyone who uses it can sow the seeds of non violence. And that's why the next Nobel Peace Prize should go to the Net.

The Video must focus on a creative representation on how the Internet is an effective vehicle for peace as stated in the Internet for Peace manifesto.

The purpose of the Contest is to find a video to explain why the Internet should be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by reinterpreting the manifesto online on the channel

The Contest is open to registered users of the YouTube website of age of majorit

The winner will be invited to provide further information and pictures for a biography which, together with a short interview, will be featured presumably in the November issue of Wired Italian magazine and the winning Video will be featured on MTV Italia in September 2010.

+ info:

Le date di scadenza visualizzate sono frutto di attività redazionale. Le uniche date ufficiali sono quelle contenute nel testo del bando e/o sul sito web di chi organizza o promuove il concorso. Controllarne sempre la validità presso l'Ente banditore.

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