Royal Parks Foundation Drinking Fountain

Open International Design Competition

The RIBA is delighted to announce the launch of an international open design competition on behalf of The Royal Parks Foundation and Tiffany & Co. Foundation for the design of a new drinking fountain which can then be installed throughout the Royal Parks in London.

Tiffany and Co. Foundation is celebrating its 10th anniversary with a $1.25 million gift to the Royal Parks Foundation (USA), a charity established to enable America to support the natural history and heritage of London's Royal Parks. The programme, called Tiffany - Across the Water, focuses on ornamental and drinking fountains in the capital's eight Royal Parks and will see the creation of a stunning new fountain in St James's Park, restoration of the Italian Gardens in Kensington Gardens, as well as improvements to drinking fountains to benefit the Royal Parks' 37 million visitors each year.

The competition challenge will be to create a well-designed drinking fountain to replace older Parks' fountains which cannot be restored. The winning designer will see their work turned into reality in the Parks, with the hope that the design will eventually be adopted in other green spaces around the world. 

The competition will follow a two stage process with up to 3 teams being shortlisted at stage two and invited to an interview to present their concept design. The competition will be open to entries from all design disciplines, e.g. architects, engineers, product designers, artists etc.

Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, will launch the US/UK initiative on Monday 14 June by announcing the international competition.

The deadline for submissions is 22nd September 2010 with details of how to enter and the full brief available from the competition organisers, RIBA Competitions (

Further information can also be found on the Royal Parks Foundation website

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