Downtown Fargo: an urban-infill competition

Kilbourne Group invites to participate in "Downtown Fargo: an urban-infill competitio", an international conceptual urban ideas competition to envision an urban block in the heart of downtown Fargo, open to architects, designers, engineers, landscape architects and aspiring students.

Downtown Fargo has been steadily growing in a positive direction. Streets are becoming friendlier for pedestrians and vehicles. There is housing to accommodate the old, the young, and every age in-between. The historic and hip ambiance is attracting a variety of boutique shops, creative services, and unique restaurants.

There is, however, a void. The goal of this competition is to generate ideas, passion, interest, momentum, and dialog to fill that void. The competition sponsor, Kilbourne Group, recommends consideration be given to retail, office, housing, parking, and plaza space. Those recommendations, however, are just that, recommendations. There are increasingly more options that make Downtown Fargo a place to live, work, and play.

All designers are invited to participate in this contest to help transform a block from the U.S. Bank parking lot to a great place.

Prizes and Odds:
- First prize in the Competition is $15,000 (U.S.)
- Second prize in the Competition is $5,000 (U.S.)
- Honorable mention in the Competition is $1,000 (U.S.)
There are 1 first prize, 1 second prize and an unspecified number of honorable mentions available in the Competition.

Friday, October 29
Deadline for competition registration
Tuesday, November 2 Digital submissions accepted at
Tuesday, November 23
Deadline for submission of competition entries
December 6 - December 12 Public exhibition of finalist Friday,
December 10 Announcement of winners at Wednesday,
December 22 Monetary awards distributed

Registration and Registration Fees: To enter the Competition, prior to September 24, 2010, each individual entrant or team of entrants must: (i) submit a completed official registration form via; and (ii) pay to KG a registration fee of $75. Registration fees can be paid via the Competition website at: All payments are final. Entrants who do not submit an entry or who submit an incomplete entry will not be refunded their registration fees.

Competition Website

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