Haiti Ideas Challenge

The Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA), the United State Agency for International Development (USAID), and Howard University's, School of Architecture and Design, are holding a two-stage Ideas Challenge, focusing on providing permanent solutions to the rebuilding of infrastructure, cities, neighborhoods and structures for residents of Haiti affected by the recent catastrophic natural disaster.

Students and emerging professionals (recently graduated students or interns, within 5 years of graduation) in the design disciplines (architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning, and beyond) will propose solutions for review by a professional jury.

Identified exemplars will be distributed for review and comment by a jury of Haitian government officials, members of the United States State Department and other key groups involved in Haiti's rebuilding efforts. 


The Haiti Idea Challenge is not about the immediate design solutions to pressing and mounting housing problems of Haiti, but the long-term design of sustainable, culturally appropriate prospective redevelopment of Haiti. While there is an immediate need for shelter, transitional housing and other social and infrastructural services, the Haiti Ideas Challenge is about designing for the future Haitian communities as permanent, holistic environments that speaks to the aspirations and advancement of Haiti not just the survival of Haiti.

+ info: www.acsa-arch.org/haiti/

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