From former airport to Gateway Park. In search of a master landscape design firm. To envision an eco-park that'll inform. Taichung's new urban landscape!
The Taichung City Government cordially invites outstanding local and international landscape design firms to propose your vision and participate in this competition!
Objective and Function
The functions of Gateway Park should combine tranquility, ecology, landscaping, disaster mitigation, carbon reduction and recreation. It should also provide a unique landscaped venue for residents and visitors to engage in recreational, sports and cultural activities in conjunction with other cultural facilities such as Taichung Dome (partial), Taichung City Cultural Center (including: The Taichung city fine art museum, Taichung city museum, Taichung city library), and Taiwan Tower and Museum of Taichung City Development. In addition, parcel Park-51, designated for water recycling and related facilities, is included in the project site area. Innovative, sustainable building technologies should be introduced to ensure overall environmental quality. More importantly, the concrete-paved and monospecie planting of the former airport should be replaced with an urban oasis with diverse landscaping and habitat for biodiversity.
Competition Timetable: (Taiwan Time)
• Deadline for Question Submissions for RFP: 2010/12/14
• Questions Answered Date 2010/12/23
• Stage One Material Submission Deadline 2011/02/25 (Before 17:30 Taiwan Time)
• Stage One Qualification Review 2011/03/01
• Stage One Jury Session 2011/03/03 ~ 2011/03/04
• Announcement of Shortlist Tenderers 2011/03/04
• Site Visit 2011/03/22
• Stage Two Material Submission Deadline 2011/06/07 (Before 17:30 Taiwan Time)
• Stage Two Qualification Review 2011/06/08
• Stage Two Jury Session 2011/06/09 ~ 2011/06/10
• Announcement of Winning Tenderers 2011/06/10
Please visit to download the tender documents
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