Emilio Ambasz Prize for Green Architecture

International Award organised by the Architecture Israel Quarterly (AIQ) magazine, in collaboration with the European Union, and the Association of Engineers and Architects in Israel.

Architects, interior designers, landscape architects, and researchers and students from all over the world are invited to submit works (built or unbuilt) planned or written since 2007.

PowerPoint presentations, not exceeding 5Mb, should start with a short explanation text describing the project, its location, purpose, circumstances of production, uniqueness, date of completion and the architects involved.

Special credit will be given to creative, climate and environmental awareness. Projects reaching the final stage will be published in a special issue of Architecture of Israel.

Chaired by Siamak G. Shahneshin and Lui Levi Galati, founders of the SHAGAL | iodaa studio, Zurich.

Registration deadline: 30 March 2011
Submission deadline: 30 July 2011

W. www.aiq.co.il

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