2011 International Student Store Design Competition

The Retail Design Institute invites all students presently enrolled in a recognized college level Architectural, Interior Design or Environmental Design program to join in the 2010 Retail Design Institute Student Retail Interior Design Competition.

The RETAIL DESIGN INSTITUTE is a non-profit, International Professional Retail Design Organization established in 1961. The Institute is offering this competition in hopes of generating interest among college level students in the field of retail design.

The struggles of department store retailers during the recession is a hot topic in the retail design industry, as many operators currently looking for areas of expansion are using value based channels to open new locations. Several Department stores have been redesigning, rebranding and rolling out new outlet prototypes.

The goal is to award creative thinking, to help your professors teach you a real-world holistic design process, and to introduce students to the exciting and dynamic career of retail design.

Winners of the following cash prizes will be notified immediately following the judging in May 2011.

Individual Entries:
- FIRST PRIZE $ 5,000.00
- SECOND PRIZE $ 1,500.00
- THIRD PRIZE $ 1000.00
- The Individual First Prize winner's school will be awarded $ 500.00.

Group Entries (2 or more students):
- FIRST PRIZE $ 1500.00
- THIRD PRIZE $ 0.00
The Group First Prize winner's school will be awarded $ 500.00.

+ info www.retaildesigninstitute.org

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