Vancouver viaducts & eastern core

re:CONNECT invites the citizens of Vancouver, to join with local and international designers to ignite discussion and dream new possibilities for the future of the Viaducts and the City's broader Eastern Core.

re:CONNECT challenges the public and design community to give shape to the future of these two specific areas and scales of the city, while also providing a platform for less confined thinking through a ‘wildcard' category. Here are the three categories in more detail:

1. Connecting the Core ("THE BIG SCALE") - this component of the competition seeks high-level ideas for the future of Vancouver's Eastern Core (including the False Creek Flats). Design solutions should seek creative, "big picture" opportunities that envision a sustainable and innovative future for this area as a major component of our City's green economy.

2. Visualizing the Viaducts - this component of the competition seeks conceptual design ideas for the land currently occupied by the Georgia and Dunsmuir Viaducts or for the structures. All ideas are encouraged, from full-retention with repurposing of the structures and/or land beneath to complete removal and replacement of the viaducts with something entirely different.

3. The Wildcard - the Wildcard category will consider ideas that push the envelope of creativity in a specific and detailed way. Applicants are encouraged to focus on one element or idea which could revolutionize the way people think about this area of the city. This may be a unique, unexplored use of these lands, or a new spin on the vision or details of the area.

This is an ideas competition that is open to all. Urbanists of all professions and backgrounds, architects, intern architects, designers, students and creative thinkers among the general public are invited to submit proposals. Entrants will be able to participate individually or in groups.

more details

Le date di scadenza visualizzate sono frutto di attività redazionale. Le uniche date ufficiali sono quelle contenute nel testo del bando e/o sul sito web di chi organizza o promuove il concorso. Controllarne sempre la validità presso l'Ente banditore.

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