New Economy Class Layout

A new platform called is launching the new competition New Economy Class Layout.

The goal of this competition is to propose a new seat layout for the coach and economy class sections of commercial airplanes that will make the flying experience more pleasant and comfortable. The new layout should be able to accommodate at least 95% of the actual proposal (and why not even more!).

Every day, millions of people use airplanes to travel around the world. Of these millions of people, a huge majority of them spend their flights scrunched up in the crowded seats of the coach or economy class sections. For the past ten years the demand for air travel has grown faster than the airlines or airports can keep up with. As a result, airports are constantly building new terminals to create room for more passengers; airplanes are taking off into the air again almost as soon as their landing wheels touch the tarmac.

Another area they have targeted to bring in more money with less expense is to maximize the number of seats they can squeeze onto an airplane. For the airlines, this move brings down prices and maximizes profits, but for us, for the hard-earned-money-paying customers, we are left with a flight experience that is getting more and more uncomfortable with each passing year.

The on-flight experience could be greatly improved by applying a smarter layout for seats in the coach and economy class sections of commercial aircrafts.

Free Inscription: 2012-03-22 | Special Inscription: 2012-04-22 |  Early Inscription: 2012-05-20
Regular Inscription: 2012-06-10 | Submission Deadline: 2012-06-30.

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