Post+ Capitalist City | Work

The team of collagelab created Post+, a call for ideas for professionals in architecture and urbanism, and furthermore to everyone who is interested in thinking one step ahead in architectural and urban theories.

The main focus of the competition is the development of new ideas, which - due to their innovative aspects - will be able to overcome financial crisis and to strengthen our urban environment in a sustainable way. Innovations for a Post+capitalist city.

The call for ideas is divided in four subcategories (shop / work / live / move). The current topic is:


This year you are asked to explore how one could live in a Post+capitalist city: the recent Wall Street protests and the associated developing movements around the world indicate the depth to which the inequality generated by the economic system and the demand for global change have penetrated the popular consciousness. However, whereas the intellectual debate focuses on possible alternative «systems», the question of the future of the urban condition in such a context is wide open.

What if the change was tomorrow? What would be the characteristics of a system not based on profit making? What would be the consequences of a new system for the way in which we use urban spaces?

You may have an idea... ? Enter the competition and submit your visions.

  • WHO? Open for all architects, artists, urban designers, photographers and active thinkers.
  • WHEN? Each cycle is divided into 4 trimestrial competitions, all related to the main topic.
  • HOW? The scale of the project is up to you! One can think about a global solution for urban conditions whereas others would rather talk about their own street corner! Both is interesting! The only rule: it must be urban and prospective, according to the main thesis.

Then think, produce and submit at

Submission / Registration deadline: 01.10.2012
Early birds registration deadline: 01.09.2012
Entry fee: 0€ / 30€ / 50€

Le date di scadenza visualizzate sono frutto di attività redazionale. Le uniche date ufficiali sono quelle contenute nel testo del bando e/o sul sito web di chi organizza o promuove il concorso. Controllarne sempre la validità presso l'Ente banditore.

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