Ito Jakuchu inspired

international art + design competition

designboom in collaboration with DA - japan design association - promote an international art + design competition. Participation is open to applicants from every country in the world, to professionals, students, and design-enthusiasts..

Participate in a great celebration throughout the world of ito jakuchu's work, a milestone in japanese art history! submit your work that is 'inspired' by the joyful immersion in the 'colourful realm of living beings' by ito jakuchu.

Designboom and DA - japan design association are looking for entries that reflect ito jakuchu's approach to art or entries that elaborate on his formal language (or that are very different, but for some reason are 'inspired' by ito jakuchu body of works). participants can submit max 3 proposals. accepted work genres are : - architecture, interior design - product design - graphic design, - art, media art, photography, illustration - fashion design, textiles and -film.

1st prize: €5,000 -  2nd prize: €3,000 - 3rd prize (x2): €1,000 each
the 4 winning works will be printed on large scale graphic panels and be on show in the ito jakuchu inspired kansei exhibition. this contemporary design & art exhibition will become one of TOKYO DESIGNERS WEEK 2012 (october 30th - november 5th, 2012 -- venue designer : sou fujimoto) main contents.

- application registration will be accepted through september 14th, 2012.
- works can be submitted through september 14th, 2012

brief Designboom

Le date di scadenza visualizzate sono frutto di attività redazionale. Le uniche date ufficiali sono quelle contenute nel testo del bando e/o sul sito web di chi organizza o promuove il concorso. Controllarne sempre la validità presso l'Ente banditore.

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