
International student design competition

The Research and Documentation Centre in Technology, Architecture and City in Developing Countries (CRD-PVS) at the Politecnico di Torino organizes tur(i)ntogreen, an International student design competition on urban smart regeneration and agro-housing open to students enrolled in any program/level of Worldwide Academic institutions.

Participants are invited to apply their creative talents in developing new multidisciplinary solutions for sustainable and inclusive cities reflecting on new forms of urban management and regeneration through agro - housing and urban - farming models.

The Competition has been announced on the 5th of September during the World Urban Forum in Naples (Italy) as part of the UN HABITAT  "I'm a city changer" and World Urban Campaigns (http://www.imacitychanger.org/) within the Global Housing Strategy to the Year 2025.

Registrations are open!  Deadlines for entry will be December 21st.

web www.polito.it/turintogreen/
e-mail info@turintogreen.org

follow us on www.facebook.com/turintogreen - www.twitter.com/turintogreen

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