Integrated Communities: Society for All Ages

International Student Design Competition 2014 Cycle

The Competition, sponsored by the International Council for Caring Communities (ICCC), invites architecture students around the world to apply their creative talents in developing solutions, which integrate older persons into the fabric of the community and fully include them in all social, cultural, and productive activities.

Overall Purpose: Competition's interrelated long-term goals are:

  • 1. To raise the awareness of architectural and design students to the needs of older persons;
  • 2. To increase cross-cultural understanding;
  • 3. To incorporate the growing role of ICT in communities;
  • 4. To encourage a close connection between proposed solutions and the real world. Past competitions have influenced local planning, educational curricula, encouraged dialogue and established new mindsets; they all deal with inclusive communities, created through a combination of new construction, renovation, reuse and environmental intervention.

Eligibility Undergraduate and graduate students of architecture are eligible to submit proj- ects. All submissions must be the work of an individual or team of students. An affidavit of authorship is a mandatory component of submissions.

Finalists will be invited to present their projects at the UN Commission for Social Development, February 2014 at United Nations Headquarters. Competition is organized in support of Habitat III, Millen- nium Development Goals (MDGs), Habitat Agenda, and the post-2015 Development Agenda. Exhibitions will follow in China and Brazil and other UN regional and world venues.

Winners will receive:
- First Prize US $10,000;
- Second Prize US $5,000,
- Third Prize US $2,500.
At the discretion of the jury there can also be Honorable Mentions. All project submissions will be recognized with a certificate acknowledging participation. 


Register electronically at

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