International Garden Festival: reford gardens

15e Festival international de jardins - appel de candidatures

The International Garden Festival, presented at the Reford Gardens in the Gaspésie region of Québec, is preparing its 15th edition and is issuing an international call for proposals to select designers who will create the new temporary gardens that will be presented from June 20 to September 28, 2014.

No theme is imposed and designers are invited to submit projects that create memorable experiences. Designers may submit their proposal as individuals or inter-disciplinary teams composed of a landscape architect, architect, designer, artist, engineer, scientist, botanist, etc. The Festival encourages participants to form multidisciplinary teams to favour an approach that encompasses the various design disciplines. This call for proposals is thus open to Canadian designers, International designers and Multinational teams.

This call for proposals is open to all landscape architects, architects, designers and artists from Canada and abroad.

For complete information on this call for proposals, those interested should consult the web site:


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