Natural City - New Berlin Natural Science Museum

International Ideas Competition of Architecture

AWR - Architecture Workshop in Rome proposes "Natural City - New Berlin Natural Science Museum", an international ideas competition of architecture for students, architects, engineers, and designers.

The site area is located in the west of Berlin, near the popular Zoo of the city.

The Museum
Museums have historically been centers of research, education, and public outreach. While most people think of natural history museums as places for public entertainment, the importance of museum specimen collections for documenting historical and present-day patterns of biological diversity cannot be overstated. The role of natural history museum in the life of a nation involves: conducting research into the vast natural history heritage and biodiversity of the country; serving as a repository, of natural objects, source materials and taxonomists in that country; creating scientific awareness; on natural history resources of the nation through annotated exhibitions for public enlightenment in display galleries, publications works hops and human development etc., natural history museum prepares data bases on natural history resources, ecological diversity of the country and thus facilitate an information-retrieval system on them for use by the public, tourists and the scientific community as a basis for sustainable development. It also provides identification services on natural objects and rich fauna, flora and minerals resources to user groups especially pest control workers in Agriculture, veterinary/human medicine and science teachers.

- First Prize 1500 €
- Second Prize 1000 €
- Third Prize 500 €
+ 3 honorable mentions

Each winning project will be published on different scientific magazines and on several architecture blogs and websites, national and international. Winners and Honorable mentions will be published on the Website

» Brief

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