2013 AIM. Post Earthquake Reconstruction

architects in mission - international design competition

Ya'an Sichuan - Rebuild Panda's Hometown From the Earthquake

In the past 30 years, China has been marked by its rapid urbanization. Besides the great achievements in economy, as a side effect, there is also a phenomenon of losing the original character of the cities in different region, mainly due to the tendency of copying the Beijing or Shanghai's urban style. But in rural areas, because of the lack of transportation infrastructure and slower pace of economic growth, many traditional cultural elements and historic building types were able to survive until today.

However, with the growing pace of the economy, rising income of rural areas and further urbanization, more and more villages with long history have been wiped out.

How to enhance the quality of village life to match current living standards, but at the same time, setup an effective programming plan and building upgrade strategy to save the traditional culture (both physical and intangible), is the challenge of this year's AIM Competition.

Awards - [USD 16,000] *Entrants are not limited to one category
Scenic Village Planning Award - USD 5,000
Architecture Renovation Award - USD 5,000
Innovative Production Award - USD 3,000
Sustainable Development Award - USD 3,000

more www.aim-competition.com/en/

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