Folly 2014

call for proposals

Socrates and the League welcome proposals for large-scale projects and installations that explore contemporary interpretations of the architectural folly. Especially popular among the Romantics of the 18th and 19th centuries, architectural follies are structures that often have no discernible purpose and are placed within a garden or land- scape. This residency was established in 2011 to explore the intersections between architecture and sculpture, and the increasing overlaps in references, concepts, and techniques between the two disciplines.

A jury of architects, artists, and arts administrators will select a single project to be realized within the grounds of Socrates Sculpture Park. In addition to exploring Socrates' website to learn about the history and context of the project, applicants are strongly encouraged to visit Socrates, a unique waterfront park located in an industrial area of Long Island City, Queens. Applicants must take into account the site's rugged, urban outdoor environment, and be aware that winning installa- tions are subject to final approval by Socrates and League staff and must meet safety requirements to be able to withstand weather and public use.

ELIGIBILITY Architects and related designers are invited to apply. Applicants do not need to be registered architects. Architects and designers outside of New York City are eligible to apply, but housing and transportation are not provided as part of the award. If selected, non-residents will have to make their own living and travel arrangements. Full-time matriculated students are not eligible to apply. All entries must conform to entry requirements.

more information

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