Nature Observatory of Amazonia | NOA South America 2014

Arquideas | competition for students and young professionals of Architecture and Design

The objective of this competition for students and young professionals of Architecture and Design, named theNature Observatory of Amazonia (NOA), is to come up with ideas for the creation of a centre in which the Amazon ecosystem can be learned about and observed through intimate contact with nature.

The Nature Observatory of Amazonia (NOA) seeks to become an innovative reference for the dissemination of knowledge about the biological and cultural diversity of the natural environment of the Amazon, providing spaces for educational participation in environmental activities, as well as becoming an interesting stop on the tourism route along the Amazon River.

The project should establish a close dialogue with the landscape and natural surroundings of this unique region of the planet and be highly self-sufficient and sustainable. The idea is to create a space which facilitates the relationship between its visitors and nature, a space which stimulates eco-tourists and invites the public to learn about the importance of taking care of the environment.

This competition is open to international undergraduate and graduate students and recent graduate of architecture or related degrees, individually or in teams made up of a maximum of four members. Recent graduate means that person graduated within the 2 years before the competition launching, this is, all graduated in 2012 or later.

Teresa Sapey Head of Teresa Sapey Architecture Office José Castillo Principal of arquitectura 911 sc Beatriz Colomina Professor of Architecture at Princeton University Diana Wiesner Head of Arquitectura y Paisaje EU Santiago de Molina Professor of Architecture at Universidad San Pablo CEU in Madrid Ariadna Cantis Architect, critic andarchitectural curator. Juhee Han Winner of the IMOA (Atacama) International architecture competition

Early registration 11 April, 2014 - 16 May, 2014
Regular registration 17 May, 2014 - 13 June, 2014
Deadline for submission of proposals 1 July 2014

• 1st prize: 3.750 euros + publication in famous magazines
• 2nd prize: 1.500 euros + publication in famous magazines
• 3rd prize: 625 euros + publication in famous magazines
• Up to 5 honorable mentions with publication in famous magazines
• Special Prize from Arquideas Community: 500 euros



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