Un'anteprima a Washington per il Museum of Science Fiction

Architectural Design Competition "Preview Museum"

Il Museum of Science Fiction organizzazione nonprofit americana promuove un concorso per raccogliere idee per un museo temporaneo che palesi la presenza del museo a Washington, possa ospitare eventi per sollecitare donazioni e testi nuove tecnologie per informare sulla pianificazione di un futuro museo permanente.

The Museum of Science Fiction seeks to establish a science fiction museum in Washington, DC. As an initial step, the museum will build a temporary / semi-permanent preview museum, which will be used to:

  • Establish an immediate presence for the museum in Washington DC, and generate excitement and media interest in a future, full-size museum.
  • Solicit donations for through fundraising events.
  • Test innovative new technologies and gain insights into the visitor experience to inform planning for a future, full-size museum.

Additionally, the preview museum will:

  • Engage and educate visitors with compelling content, design, programming and state-of-the-art visual and digital installations.
  • Create a social hub for the science fiction community.
  • Be seen as a comprehensive source of science fiction knowledge.
  • Demonstrate the educational potential, particularly in the STEM fields, of a science fiction museum.

This competition is open to students, architects, and designers.
Teams or individuals from the United States or abroad can participate.

Prize: $1,000

for additional information see the website www.museumofsciencefiction.org/contest

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