Science Bridging Nations

concorso di grafica

Jovoto, piattaforma per progetti creativi, lancia un concorso di graphic design per l'ideazione di un poster commemorativo dell'evento "German-Turkish Year of Science 2014".

Jovoto, a platform for creative project, is launching a competition. Creatives are invited to design a poster that expresses the cooperation between Germany and Turkey to commemorate the German-Turkish Year of Science 2014. Any creative form of expression such as drawings, photos, photo-realistic artwork, illustrations, typographic designs and collages is therefore very welcome. 

The aim of this project is to give a face to the unique cooperation between the closely linked and yet very different countries Germany and Turkey.

Almost three million people with Turkish roots live in Germany. Almost five million German people travel to Turkey every year. Germany and Turkey are closely linked by friendship and familial ties. Under the motto "Science Bridging Nations" the two countries are strengthening their existing strong bonds with forward-looking projects.

Task: Graphic Design
Total Prize: €7,400
Client's Choice: 3 x € 800
Submission End: July 21st 2014
Special Prize: Invitation to participate in the project´s closing event in Istanbul.

Read the briefing

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