Deutsche Bank - Future Banking

International Design Competition

Designboom e Deutsche Bank promuovono un concorso internazionale di design per selezionare idee, gadget, prodotti o servizi che migliorino l'esperienza dei clienti in relazione all'esperienza filiale o alle loro transazioni digitali.

DESIGNBOOM, in collaboration with DEUTSCHE BANK, presents the Future Banking International Design Competition, seeking smart ideas, applications, gadgets, products or services provided by the bank that aim to support and enhance customers' experience in relation to the branch experience or their digital day-to-day and life planning bank transactions; or that surprise and inspire them in a positive manner.

Participation is open to applicants from every country in the world - from professionals, students, to design-enthusiasts. Registration is free.

The task is to develop smart ideas/applications/gadgets/offerings or services provided by a bank that support customers and enhance their branch experience or digital day-to-day and life planning or that surprise and inspire them in a positive manner.

Prizes / Benefits
1st prize € 10.000 euro
- 2nd prize € 5.000 euro
- 3rd prize € 3.000 euro

Selected ideas will be exhibited at an innovation fair in Berlin (space for around 10-15 ideas: 500 m²).

+ info

Le date di scadenza visualizzate sono frutto di attività redazionale. Le uniche date ufficiali sono quelle contenute nel testo del bando e/o sul sito web di chi organizza o promuove il concorso. Controllarne sempre la validità presso l'Ente banditore.

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