The Next Helsinki

international call for alternatives to the proposed Guggenheim Helsinki

In concomitanza con la fine della concorso per la progettazione del controverso Guggenheim Helsinki, un gruppo di associazioni artistiche indipendenti, ha lanciato "The Next Helsinki" un concorso di idee che invita architetti, urbanisti, paesaggisti, artisti, ambientalisti, studenti, attivisti, poeti, politici, e tutti coloro che amano la città di Helsinki a presentare proposte per trasformare Helsinki e la South Harbor, sito destinato al futuro Guggenheim Museum, che prospettino il massimo vantaggio della città rendendola un luogo più accessibile, equo, sostenibile e bello.

Coinciding with the end of the official competition for the design of the controversial Guggenheim Helsinki, a group of independent arts organizations has issued a call for submissions for alternative ideas. This competition—titled The Next Helsinki—is designed to attract innovative ideas about how to more fully meet the city's cultural, spatial, and sustainability needs.

Following the success of the Guggenheim Bilbao in transforming that region's tourist economy, many city managers have been seduced by the fantasy that a high-concept museum, designed by a starchitect, will turn around its urban fortunes in a similar way. Advocates of this branding formula see Helsinki as an ideal candidate for a new Guggenheim franchise. Yet the proposal has generated a surprisingly heated public debate among Finland's citizenry, with pro and anti- Guggenheim sentiment running high.

The Next Helsinki competition aims to elevate the debate by giving voice to bold and thoughtful alternatives. It calls upon architects, urbanists, artists, environmentalists, students, activists, poets, politicians, and all others who love cities to imagine how Helsinki and the South Harbor site allotted to the proposed museum can be transformed for the maximum benefit of the city's residents and visitors.

The Next Helsinki is co-organized by Checkpoint Helsinki, Terreform, and Global Ultra Luxury Faction (G.U.L.F.).

web site competition

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