IE Spaces for innovation Prize

internship presso UNStudio, Arup e O+A Studio

Al via il Premio lanciato dalla IE School of Architecture and Design. In palio l'ammissione al Master Design for Work, Retail and Learning Environments, borse di studio a copertura della retta di iscrizione e internship presso UNStudio, Arup e O+A Studio.

IE School of Architecture and Design announces IE Spaces for innovation Prize for young architects and designers worldwide, seeking to attract top architecture and design talents to invite them to take part in the IE Master in Design for Work, Retail and Learning Environments starting next february 2015.

All young architects and designers who have finished their studies or graduate studies in 2009 or later are eligible to win the IE Spaces for innovation Prize.

The winning entries will be awarded admittance to IE Master in Design for Work, Retail and Learning Environments for the 2015-2016 academic year, a scholarships towards the program tuition fees and a full-time paid professional internships in one of these three world class firms; UNStudio, Arup or O+A Studio.

Master in Design for Work, Retail and Learning Environments

The Master in Design for Work, Retail and Learning Environments is a forward thinking post-professional program that not only examines the profound changes occurring in environments for work, retail and learning, but also explores the tools and knowledge needed to innovatively design these spaces for the future. The IE Master in Design Work Retail and Learning Environments is a pioneering program as it stretches across traditional boundaries based on analyses, skills and strategies for understanding and proposing creative ideas for changing environments.

The program focuses on three types of space - the work space, retail and learning environments- that are most important for our everyday lives and which are the three realms where the most dramatic changes are occurring in terms of concepts, technology and cutting-edge innovation.

Duration: 13 months
Format: blended (online + onsite periods)
Language: english
Location: Madrid + London + online
Tuition: € 24,200

The call list for the Prize is for all young architects and designers who have finished their studies or graduate studies in 2009 or later. This call is closed to any person who participated in the prize organization or who has dependent personal or professional ties to the organization.

Proposals will remain anonymous until after the Jury decision is announced. The winner must also meet the admission criteria of IE School of Architecture and Design.


The IE Spaces for innovation Prize will award the winners with the following prizes:

1ST, 2ND, 3RD PRIZE will be awarded consisting of:

  •  Admittance to IE Master in Design for Work, Retail and Learning Environments for the 2015-2016 academic year.
  • Scholarship worth € 7,250 towards the program tuition fees.
  •  Full-time paid professional internships in top tier companies and design firms UNStudio, Arup or O+A Studio.

Five HONORABLE MENTIONS will be awarded consisting of:

  •  Diploma
  •  Free registration fees in the IE Master in Design for Work, Retail and Learning Environments for the 2015-2016 academic year.


UNStudio; Dutch architectural design studio founded by Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos with offices in Amsterdam, Shangai and Hong Kong. Arup; Firm of designers, planners, engineers, consultants and technical specialists. O+A Studio; Interior and Architectural design firm. The Jury will be advised by the following IE School of Architecture and Design members: Martha Thorne; Executive Director of the Pritzker Architecture Prize Guzmán de Yarza; Director of the Master in Design for Work, Retail and Learning Environments.

October 27, 2014 Deadline for consultations
Registration deadline (€ 25)

October 31, 2014
Deadline for submission of proposals


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