Temporary Housing for surfers in Tarifa

open ideas competition

Concorso di architettura internazionale per progettare un alloggio temporaneo per gli amanti del surf a Tarifa. L'alloggio dovrà essere adatto ai luoghi naturali in cui verrà inserito e alla condizione di mobilità del popolo surfista.

Tarifa beaches are known because one of the things that most annoys bathers community. This is the east wind, atmospheric phenomenon that has made the town of Tarifa at one of the points of pilgrimage for lovers of water sports such as surfing, windsurfing and kite surfing among others. This fact has led many fans of the sport has taken residence in this location. If you ask any avid surfer why decided to practice this sport, will surely provide a unique answer. This is due to the way the sport penetrates to the most personal of the athlete. Most surfers enjoy this lifestyle, which includes live and breathe the water sport. Usually, those who practise water sports, are often moved by the beach areas with optimal characteristics for these activities development. But, nevertheless, are not sedentary people in one place. Quite the opposite, as always looking for new challenges where vent their love for the sport. A philosophy of "few things and many waves" where the point is contact with the sea. You can even tell that they leave all possessions in the sand and are only the table and the athlete.

The reTHINK!NG team proposes the "installation" of a temporary shelter for the sea lovers society dedicated to water sports. These properties must be rethought taking into account the nature which they are located in as mobile surfing condition of this population. It is not the construction of a building to create a strong impact on the environment, but rather a project that is able to read the landscape and negotiate with it.

It is required that the proposal have a ZERO ECOLOGICAL PRINT, ie, rethinking waste management, contact with the ground or water. ... The systems must be independent, can not rely on urban rush. They must be self-sufficient and renewable. How is water or electricity come from? How do the materials to the site? Is building could disintegrate?

A strip of 60x900 m sectioned transversely to the sea shore, dunes and vegetated area is proposed. The proposal is to be located within this stretch freely, being a decision of the contestant. It should take
into account the changing conditions due to tides that have this type of situation.

All students and architecture professionalsor related branches anywhere in the world can participate in the contest.

- First prize 3.000 €
- Second prize 1.500 €
- Third prize 500 €
• Exhibition in Sevilla • Magazine publications • Blogs/architecture webs publications
+ 10 Honorable Mention

» Brief (en)

+ info http://rethinkingcompetitions.com

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