Himalayan Mountain Hut

HMMD international architecture competition

HMMD Architecture Competitions in collaborazione con Samarth NMPD lancia un nuovo concorso di architettura per la progettazione di un rifugio da costruire potenzialmente in Nepal per incrementare il turismo facilitando trekking e passeggiate lungo la catena montuosa.

HMMD Architecture Competitions is working with Samarth NMPD for its latest architecture competition to create plans for a Himalayan Mountain Hut which facilitates mountaineering and adventure tourism throughout the Himalayan region of Nepal.

The purpose of the Himalayan Mountain Hut is to provide trekkers safe, comfortable and inviting lodgings, where they and their guides can rest, refuel and, if necessary, wait out troublesome weather. The chosen design for the mountain hut will then be replicated in multiple locations throughout the Himalaya mountain range.

With a grand prize of US $5,000 and each finalist's designs being put forward for consideration for the project's actual construction, this is a fantastic opportunity for architecture enthusiasts to be a part of a real-life project that will help to increase tourism and the income it generates in a predominantly poor region of Nepal.

The final deadline for registration on the 1st of April.

Competition is open for all. No professional qualification is required. Design proposals can be developed individually or by teams (4 team members maximum).

Competition Brief » http://himalayanmountainhut.beebreeders.com/

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