Borsa di studio per lavorare a Krems (Austria)

Possono candidarsi: architetti, urbanisti, designer, paesaggisti e artisti

La Provincia Federale della Bassa Austria mette a disposizione locali a Krems e una borsa di studio di 1300 euro mensili per architetti, urbanisti, designer, paesaggisti e artisti provenienti dall'estero.

ORTE Architekturnetzwerk Niederösterreich offers a studio apartment in Krems as well as a scholarship financed by the Federal Province of Lower Austria to architects, space planners, landscape designers, designers, theoreticians, curators and artists focusing their work on architecture.

The providing of a studio apartment for free as well as the awarding of a scholarship by the Federal Province of Lower Austria are based on the following premises: enabling artists from abroad to work in Austria and to get to know the architectural scene of Lower Austria.

Prerequisite for a successful application is a degree in an architectural relevant discipline (architecture, landscape planning, city planning, urban planning, spatial planning, etc.). ORTE focuses on the communication of contemporary architecture in Lower Austria and is therefore particularly interested in projects which are related to practice.

Concepts with life-world focus as well as site-specific and theoretical approaches are desirable, not as much as a solely academic-scientific analysis of the medium architecture. The scholarship is linked to a final presentation of the on-site created work, which can also take up the own work or source-related architectural topics or current topics of the local architectural scene.

The scholarship is endowed with € 1.300, per month.

Application documents: Personal data (contact details) / CV and portfolio (max. 3 pages in A4) / application form / information about the desired duration of stay / proposed theme for the final presentation (max. 1000 characters or free depiction) German or English are assumed as languages of communication. Any translation costs for presentations and communication during the stay in Krems will not be provided. Travel costs will not be refunded. Applications which do not fulfill the formal criteria will not be considered.

Duration of stay: 2 or 3 months

Deadline: The application deadline for 2016 is May 30th 2015.

Contact: Heidrun Schlögl, ORTE Architekturnetzwerk Niederösterreich, Steiner Landstraße 3, A-3504 Krems-Stein tel. 0043(0)2732 78374, fax: 0043(0)2732 78374-11, email

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