HANERGY Thin Film Solar Global Innovation Competition

international design competition

Designboom in collaborazione con l'azienda cinese Hanergy presenta un concorso internazionale per cercare le applicazioni innovative di un film fotovoltaico e flessibile che apre all'uso del pannello solare in contesti inesplorati come la moda, l'arredo, l'auto, lo sport, ecc., espressioni dell'eccellenza del design italiano e in cui l'uso di nuove tecnologie apre a spazi di innovazione rivoluzionari.

Il concorso è aperto agli studenti di design, architettura e ingegneria, a professionisti e a ricercatori di tutto il mondo. Il Sistema Design del Politecnico è partner per l'Italia per la promozione di questo evento che prevede un primo premio di ben 1.000.000 di RMB, pari a circa 150.000 Euro.

Il Politecnico di Milano Dipartimento di Design è partner dell'Hanergy Competition Organizing Committee.

DESIGNBOOM in collaboration with HANERGY Thin-Film Power Group Limited, present the HANERGY Thin-Film Solar Power Product Global Innovation Competition which seeks to develop and raise awareness around clean and efficient energy use, by exploring the application, popularization and development of future solar powered products.

Participation is open to applicants from every country in the world - from professionals, students, to design-enthusiasts. Registration is free.

They are looking for a seamless fusion of art and technology, seeking lightweight, flexible solar products that will establish new industry standards, and draw people's attention to the power and possibilities of solar energy. The brief is to find innovative applications for HANERGY's thin-film technology in the areas of:

  • 3C appliances (digital products, electronic devices, smart devices, wearable appliances and accessories);
  • construction products (agricultural greenhouses, awnings, BIPV, bus stations, carports, curtain walls, greenhouses, highway noise-reduction walls, skylights etc.); 
  • home & outdoors (clothing, equipment, furniture, kitchenware, lighting, outdoor supplies, renovation accessories, sanitary ware);
  • solar powered vehicles (solar powered cars, solar powered sightseeing vehicles, overall system solutions);
  • transportation products (car sunroof systems, city buses, light rail, refrigerated trucks, special vehicles, RVs, tour buses, vehicle ventilation systems, and any other automobile related product which can be combined with solar energy)
  • other products (for those topics that are not mentioned above).

The resulting products should envision a new mobile energy for the future of mankind.
See more info on HANERGY's global website about their thin-film technology and related products: www.hanergythinfilmpower.com

+ info www.designboom.com/competition/hanergy-thin-film-solar-product-global-innovation-competition/

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