TreeHousing - alloggi lowcost in legno

international wood design competition

Nell'ambito del XIV World Forestry Congress che si terrà in Sud Africa, TreeHousing sfida studenti e professionisti di tutto il mondo a progettare abitazioni in legno a prezzi accessibili attraverso due concorsi di progettazione: TreeHousing Durban e TreeHousing Global.

Housing for the world's growing urban population and the threat of deforestation are two of the most significant issues facing humanity today.

TREEHOUSING challenges students, professional architects and engineers around the world to develop innovative wood housing and urban building solutions through two distinct open competitions:

  • COMPETITION 1: TREEHOUSING DURBAN Design Challenge | Tall Wood Housing
  • COMPETITION 2: TREEHOUSING GLOBAL Design Challenge | Affordable Wood Housing

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations has sponsored this ideas competition to offer unique insights into how these two global issues intersect.

COMPETITION 1 | TREEHOUSING DURBAN challenges participants to design a residential and/or mixed-use complex on a site in Durban, South Africa.

ELIGIBLE ENTRANTS Students of Architecture, Professional Architects and Designers

The creation of affordable housing is a critical issue in Durban and throughout the world. Entrants are asked to use wood products to design a high-rise solution that addresses the housing needs of the community and integrates with the surrounding urban context. Submissions can include additional program spaces that are relevant to the location (transit, plaza, retail, etc.). Solutions that are replicable and expandable beyond the particular context of the site are encouraged.

Wood materials offer unique construction solutions to address the issue of global urban housing needs. Entrants will be challenged to propose construction systems that draw on the performance characteristics of a variety of wood technologies. Design solutions must use wood as the primary structural system. Any sustainably-harvested wood material or product is possible, even those not yet invented.

An ability to connect the wood construction system and building techniques to the local forest industry within South Africa is preferred but not mandatory.  Ideas that will help enhance South African forest management and forest products are encouraged. 

COMPETITION 2 TREEHOUSING GLOBAL challenges participants to design affordable housing on a site of their choosing, anywhere in the world, with a focus on improving and providing global housing solutions in wood.

ELIGIBLE ENTRANTS Students of Architecture, Professional Architects and Designers

Design solutions must use wood as the primary structural system. Any sustainably harvested wood material or product is possible, even those not yet invented. Every culture and region of the world has a unique perspective and relationship to the forest that may bring value to the entrants proposed design for this challenge. Because of the location of the XIV World Forestry Congress in Durban, South Africa, solutions that address issues specific to the African continent are highly sought after.

PROGRAM The building must provide affordable housing. Permanent housing typologies are encouraged. Solutions may also explore the use of wood in transitional/temporary/ mobile/refugee housing where deemed appropriate. The scale can range from a single home to dense urban structures.

THE SITE TREEHOUSING GLOBAL is not limited to any particular site or region of the world. Applicants should choose sites appropriate to their individual rural or urban contexts, as well as their unique forests and ecosystems.

First Prize in each category - $6,000 USD
Second Prize in each category - $3,000 USD
Two additional student prizes of $2,000 USD will be awarded.
Publication of the top 5 entries in each category

web-site competition


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