Dry Futures - soluzioni per la siccità della California

ideas competition

Archinect presenta un concorso internazionale di idee e invita a proporre idee e soluzioni per il futuro della California attualmente nel bel mezzo di una crisi idrica grave senza precedenti.

California - and much of the Western United States - is currently in the midst of a severe and unprecedented water crisis.

After four consecutive years of exceptional drought, Governor Jerry Brown issued an executive order earlier this year intended to limit water usage and preserve the few resources that remain. But many worry that the measures amount to "too little, too late." And the stakes couldn't be higher: not only is California the most populous state in the country, it is by far the largest agricultural producer.

Built on centuries of questionable riparian practices and infrastructure, this agro-industrial behemoth not only consumes the majority of the state's dwindling water reserves, but amounts to a significant chunk of the national and international economy.

Archinect is launching a new competition oriented around the unfolding drought crisis in California. They believe architects possess a remarkable set of tools and skills that uniquely establish the capacity to adapt to a problem that is both multifaceted and enormous. We are looking for the imaginative, the pragmatic, the idealist, and the dystopian.

The competition will comprise two categories:

A. SPECULATIVE ie. proposals that involve technologies that are not yet available and/or imagine alternative realities or futures

B. PRAGMATIC ie. proposals that exist within the realm of possibility and could be actually implemented within current economic and technological conditions


- 1st $1,000 CASH + custom 1 week survival kit including back pack
- 2nd custom survival kit- 1 week supply of food/water/emergency items
- 3rd custom survival kit- 72 hours supply of food/water/emergency items

- 1st $1,000 CASH + custom 1 week survival kit including back pack
- 2nd custom survival kit- 1 week supply of food/water/emergency items
- 3rd custom survival kit- 72 hours supply of food/water/emergency items

+ info: http://dryfutures.com/

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