Sky Pool: un hotel nel distretto della Défense a Parigi

SuperSkyScrapers, piattaforma dedicata a concorsi per la progettazione di grattacieli, lancia una nuova competizione, invitando i creativi a progettare un hotel nella capitale francese, un grattacielo pensato come un'icona per il distretto della Défense, il grande quartiere d'affari alle porte di Parigi.

The program challenges participants to design a Sky Pool Hotel Skyscraper in La Défense district of the Paris Metropolitan Area. The competition is seeking to explore and investigate the possibility of a high quality Sky Pool Hotel Skyscraper Development concept, which sets a new high standard contemporary high-rise or tall building design in a key part of the La Défense district in Paris to take advantage of the spectacular view over Paris.

It should be a design solution that responds effectively to achieving such a tall and large-scale hotel solution with a Sky Pool and one that could become a contemporary icon for the city.


Architects, graduate architects, architecture students, engineers, designers, urbanist, city planners, landscape architect.


1st prize: US$ 2,500 / 2nd prize: US$ 1,000 / 3rd prize: US$ 500 and:

- Publication in SuperSkyScrapers - Volume 4 Book
- Published on the SuperSkyScrapers website and social media platform
- Published on various online magazine, blogs and media platform

10 Special Mentions (Subject to Jury Discretion) will also be published on our website, social media and book.


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