Pabellón Mextrópoli 2016

Concorso per architetti e studenti

La rivista Arquine lancia un concorso per costruire un padiglione effimero nel centro storico di Città del Messico, che sia riciclabile e sostenibile, aperto al pubblico, ma soprattutto capace di attivare riflessioni su temi importanti per la città. Il concorso fa parte delle competizioni annuali che la rivista organizza ormai da 18 anni.

The architecture magazine Arquine is launching its annual contest, the 2016 edition is dedicated to "Pabellón Mextrópoli 2016".

With the coming of age, Arquine transforms the spirit of this call in order to redirect it to a buildable and recyclable project; an architectural event in itself, this edition of the contest aims to build a pavilion, which can generate its own discourse as well as an innovative and sustainable proposal that not only provides an open public program but also an space for the interaction between architecture and citizenship. The Mextropoli Pavilion will become a public space where discussions about fundamental issues for the city will be made.

Contestants must design a structure that accomplishes the requirements set by the rules of the competition in terms, costs and characteristics. The Mextropoli Pavilion will become a traveling device that each year will be the benchmark of the Architecture and City Festival in turn.

The invitation is open to architects and architecture students all over the world. Teams, collective and individual participants are welcome. The groups may incorporate professionals or students from other disciplines so long as the team leader or representative is an architect or architecture student.

The winner of the annual Arquine contest will have the opportunity to build the project during the Mextropoli Festival 2016 in Mexico City. 

First prize:
• Construction of the proposal as the Mextropoli 2016 Pavilion
• $ 100,000.00 MXN
• Round trip ticket from anywhere in the world to Mexico City in order to attend the Festival of Architecture and City Mextropoli 2016.

Second prize: $ 60,000.00 MXN | Third prize: • $30,000.00 MXN

• VIP entrance to the festival for all team members and a collection of 10 of Arquine's books for first, second and third prizes.

November 28, 2015: registration process end
January 4, 2016: proposals deadline

» Rules


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