Un rifugio da donare ad un senzatetto

Creare un prototipo di rifugio da donare ad un senzatetto. Con questo obiettivo la piattaforma per concorsi reTH!INKig lancia il concorso Homeless Cover Project.

reTH!INKig is launching Homeless Cover Project. This competitition gives a new perspective and offers a new view beyond ourselves to show us that there are people who don't have the basics or even vital such as a shelter, an accomodation which protects us from a rainy day, which can give shade when the sun burns and more confortable than a cardboard on the freezing floor. And that, dear contestants, is a real issue. Give an answer to this is definitely a great challenge.

Since this competition is very special for reTH!NKing competitions - say the organizers - we would like to contribute somehow to try to change this situation, or at least someone's life that currently face this: where am I going to sleep today? This is why that we want to make this real and build one of these prototypes and give it to a homeless, totally free of course, pretending that this act means a little change in his life and, who knows, if the right impulse to improve it.It is true that is a tiny action, but the intention is to raise awareness to young people that this competition is not only for ideas, but we alwo want it to become true, will reach the streets where we will prove that viability of the project, the expentations fulfilled or failed; definitely, it will be an interesting project where we will all learn from».

All students and architects or related professions anywhere in the world can participate in the contest.

It's that simple. Each homeless seek a shelter and needs to find the way to do so, so that is the participant purposes should become and therefore he will be free to choose the place of intervention according to what he sees as ideal, making the project definitely up to solve this problem. Therefore, whether in a park or under a bridge, on the same side of the street or even in the air... all sites will be admitted.

The proposed program comprises the following areas:- Shelter for maximum 2 people.- This space may be dismantled and transported for a maximum of two people.- The storage and protection of their property will be referred to in that shelter.

A total prize of 3.000 € will be distributed as follows:
First Prize 1.500 € | 3 Accésits 3 x 500 €

Details and rules: rethinkingcompetitions.com

Le date di scadenza visualizzate sono frutto di attività redazionale. Le uniche date ufficiali sono quelle contenute nel testo del bando e/o sul sito web di chi organizza o promuove il concorso. Controllarne sempre la validità presso l'Ente banditore.

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