La Finlandia cerca soluzioni abitative per richiedenti asilo

Le migliori idee esposte alla Biennale di Venezia 2016

Circa 35.000 i richiedenti asilo attesi in Finlandia entro la fine del 2015. Un flusso che impone la ricerca di soluzioni per abitazioni temporanee che tengano in considerazione anche il clima rigido dei Paesi del Nord. Il Museum of Finnish Architecture - in collaborazione con la Finnish Association of Architects SAFA - lancia un concorso internazionale di architettura per raccogliere soluzioni abitative destinate ai richiedenti asilo. Le migliori proposte saranno esposte nel Padiglione finlandese alla prossima Biennale di Architettura di Venezia.

How can Finland embrace the opportunities offered by the recent refugee influx and build a more egalitarian society of shared wellbeing and prosperity? The Museum of Finnish Architecture, in collaboration with the Finnish Association of Architects SAFA, is organizing an open, anonymous architectural competition for the design of solutions to the housing needs of refugees in northern Europe.

As many as 35,000 asylum-seekers are expected to arrive in Finland by the end of 2015. This has created an acute demand for temporary housing, calling for innovative solutions that can be implemented quickly. The solution should support the integration of asylum-seekers into Finnish society and their acculturation in the local community as well as offer a positive first experience of living in Finland.

From Border to Home is an open ideas competition. All professionals are eligible to compete. The organizers urge competitors to form multi-disciplinary teams in which at least one member is licensed to practice architecture in their native country.

The submissions will form the basis of an exhibition to be hosted in the Finnish Pavilion at the forthcoming Venice Architecture Biennale in 2016.


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