Prison Puzzle

International ideas competition

Combo Competition lancia un concorso di idee internazionale, invitando architetti e designer a immaginare la prigione ideale nel mezzo del deserto dell'Arizona, negli Stati Uniti.  Inglobando le richieste di detenuti e della società, la progettazione della struttura deve dimostrare come l'architettura possa plasmare gli ambienti e influenzare comportamenti.

Combo Competitions is launching a new competition, called Prison Puzzle. The goal is to design an ideal prison, located in the desert of Arizona, United States. The concept should address the different interests and requirements found in inmates, victims as well as society as a whole, and the design should illustrate how architecture can shape environments and influence behaviors.

In addition to concept and design, participants are invited to more directly control how to communicate their proposals. The presentation board should be seen as a canvas to be used as desired, rather than having to conform to a given list of plans, sections and renderings.

Is there such a thing as a perfect prison? Is it possible, even in theory, to satisfy needs as potentially contrasting as those of inmates, victims and society? Rather than avoiding prison design on moral grounds, Combo Competitions wants to encourage architects and designers to confront the issue, looking for fitting solutions to a problem that is yet to be solved.


  • 1st prize: £2,000 (two thousand British pounds)
  • 2nd prize: £1,000 (one thousand British pounds)
  • 3rd prize: £500 (five hundred British pounds)

The jury will also recognize a number of honorable mentions. In addition to the cash prizes, winners will receive a personal page within the domain, showing their proposal along with the jury's motivation.

A selection of the winning proposals will be published on various websites and blogs and/or their printed counterpart. Previous publications include, among others, Bustler, ArchDaily, Wettbewerbe Aktuell and FastCo Design.

The registration fee is £45 until November 22nd, when early registration ends and standard registration begins (fee £55). Standard registration ends on January 17th 2016 and is followed by late registration (fee £65). Last day of registration is February 5th, two days before the submission deadline, which is on February 7th. Winners will be announced no later than March 20th. Please note that all deadlines are 23.59 GMT.


Combo Competitions organizes international ideas competitions for architects - and designers of any other field. Participants are encouraged to focus on ideas, as projects are judged as much by their underlying concepts and the communication as by their aesthetics.

The website was founded by Per Linde, a Swedish architect living in London, aiming to offer a platform that encourages different ways of thinking. Simply put, the main driver is to promote proposals where everything comes together to form a whole that is larger than the sum of its parts.

Le date di scadenza visualizzate sono frutto di attività redazionale. Le uniche date ufficiali sono quelle contenute nel testo del bando e/o sul sito web di chi organizza o promuove il concorso. Controllarne sempre la validità presso l'Ente banditore.

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