Autism Speaks cerca soluzioni per case a misura di adulti affetti da autismo

Autism Speaks, principale organizzazione che supporta la ricerca scientifica sull'autismo, cerca soluzioni abitative e servizi di supporto per gli adulti affetti da autismo, per aiutarli a raggiungere l'auto-realizzazione e l'indipendenza. Con questo obiettivo lancia il concorso House to Home Prize, mettendo in palio 150mila dollari.

Autism Speaks, the world's leading autism science and advocacy organization, is sponsoring the Autism Speaks House to Home Prize. The organization is reaching out to you, the problem-solver community, to develop revolutionary solutions that empower adults with ASD to live as independently as possible while remaining connected to a larger community.

This breakthrough must include the supports necessary to safely live outside of the family home, and it may come in the form of technology, architecture design, strategic partnerships, community services, new business models, or any combination of these or countless other ideas.

Moving out of the family home - that giant step into adulthood - is never easy for anyone. For those living with autism, however, the challenges and fears surrounding this life stage can be overwhelming, not just for them, but for their families as well. While many efforts have been made to support this transition, this important rite of passage is difficult to achieve without the right supports and services. There is no turnkey fix; no one-size-fits-all approach; no easy answer. Unencumbered, creative, and radically obtainable thinking is needed to create alternative housing and support services ("supports").

One of the few options for providing quality care is a group home. A group home shared with a small number of other people (with or without autism), and integrated into a local community, is the primary and nearly exclusive model of housing available. Group homes and similar variants have been successful but have many limiting factors. These drawbacks make them unobtainable for the vast majority.


The needs of individuals with ASD seeking to live independently will vary greatly depending upon their strengths and challenges. As a result, Autism Speaks will be offering three prizes for three separate solutions to the Prize:

  • Home and residential support solutions for individuals who require 24/7 support
  • Home and residential support solutions for individuals who require daily support
  • Home and residential support solutions for individuals who require weekly support (support needed a few times per week, but not every day)

The best solution in each of these categories will receive a $50,000 USD prize. The total prize purse is $150,000 USD.

March 1, 2016 at 11:59 pm EST - Submission deadline,.



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